Thursday 20 November 2014

The Metaphors

A poem based on The Metaphor by Budge Wilson

The first metaphor I wrote
With excitement and a little fear for taking a peek of literature 
The absence of feeling echoed in the empty corridors 
The ostensibly impeccable interier 
But an undesirable perfection
In dedication to a place called home. 

The second metaphor I wrote
With respect but also fear
The indifferent presence 
Bitterly depicted 
The unapproachable love and care
of my one and only mother

The last metaphor I wrote
With sorrows and numbness of tears
The torned-apart regrets with 
The incomplete metaphors and
The gratitude and acknowledgement that has not yet shown
And the final farewell that never took place 
All hindered by the fear of judgements
This poem
In remembrance of
Ms. Hancock