Sunday 26 October 2014

The Shattered Cups

An explosion echoed from deep beneath the ocean,
where the wrecked submarine lies helplessly.
Far reached from help yet on the verge of hell,
The trapped crew will soon be gasping for air. 
There was no time.
In the overwhelming chaos and bewilderments, 
A decision was made. 
With a draw to go home, or a draw to stay,
Five married men were summoned to live. 
Neither was warned, neither was told,
The remaining fifteen could never go home.
No early sipping and no heeltaps, 
Cups filled up with life yet give no hope.

With a face white as death yet a voice steady as his will, 
The commander slowly raised his cup. 
"God save our country and King!"
Cups shattered as lives drained out from the fifteen men.
The reflection of the unspoken sacrefices laying on
Pieces of shattered cups and shattered heart.
Just or not, Guilty or not,
The savior of the five yet the murderer of the fifteen.
Only the broken radio speaker questioned silently, 
A hero or a murderer? 

Taken by @_zaaarra